Margaretville Celebrates its 150th Birthday in 2025
The Village of Margaretville will mark the 150th anniversary of its incorporation this year.
The Village Board will observe the milestone when it meets May 8th, the day a public vote in 1875 approved the formation of a system of governance for what had been an unincorporated hamlet.
An illustrated program, to be held Sunday, July 13 at 2:00pm at the Middletown History Center, will detail the story of Margaretville’s development, focusing on the past century and a half. The talk will cover the impact of railroads, wars, floods and technological progress on businesses, schools, hospitals, civic groups and families.
A block dance will be held on Main Street on Saturday, July 26 from 4:00 to 7:00pm. The street will be partially closed, music will be provided by Sue’s Garage, vintage cars will be on display, food will be available for purchase, and a community portrait will be taken like those taken in 1979 and 2000. Everyone is welcome to be part of this special commemoration.
Mayor John C. Hubbell, with Trustee Mead, Trustee Hubbell, Trustee Budin and Trustee Warren; the Central Catskills Chamber of Commerce, and the Historical Society of the Town of Middletown are spearheading the birthday celebration. Contact Trustee Mead or Carol O’Beirne if you have an idea for an activity or would like to participate in some way.
Businesses are encouraged to hang banners, decorate their store fronts and/or create appropriate window displays.
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