Village Clerks Office
Summer Hours
Monday – Thursday
9 am-3 pm
Mayor- John C. Hubbell
Clerk- Noreen LaBonte
Treasurer- Beth Bush
DPW Garage
Summer Hours
Monday – Thursday 6-4:30
Street Supervisor- John Paul Beers
Water Supervisor- John Paul Beers
Code Enforcement
Code Enforcement Officer- Hiram Davis
Phone: 845-586-2344
Village Board of Trustees
Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5PM
David Budin
Jeff Warren
Iris Mead
Sarah Hubbell
Planning Board
Meets the last Tuesday of each month at 6PM
(when there is an application)
Kent Brown- Chairperson
Morgan Spaulding
Phil O’Beirne
Zoning Board
Meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 5:30PM (when there is an application)
Kate Van Benschoten- Chairperson
Robin Williams
Connie Jeffers
Jerrod Hubbell
Photos from the collection of the Historical Society of the Town of Middletown, Delaware County, NYDe